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MITs公司关于创新的杂志,在线文章具体技术和关注的过程新技术走出实验室,进入市场。 美国麻省科技新闻网是美国麻省理工大学(MIT) 旗下的独立科技媒体网站,提供6种语言,147个国家的科技Zhui新动态,帮助用户从繁杂的科技新闻中找到Zhui重要的内容来阅读。麻省科技网站的使命是识别国际上重要的新技术,破译他们的实际影响力,并揭示它们将如何改变我们的生活。该公司在1899年成立于麻省理工学院,麻省理工学院技术评论来自其权威性世界上Zhui重要的技术机构和专业的编辑们的专业知识,经济现实主义,和无与伦比的访问世界上Zhui杰出的创新者。Every day, we provide an intelligent, lucid, and authoritative filter for the overwhelming flood of information about technology.We do this with serious journalism, written in clear, simple language, by a knowledgeable editorial staff, governed by a policy of accuracy and independence.We do this in features, news analysis, business reports, photo essays, reviews, and interactive digital experiences that invite our readers to probe deeper, examine data, get to know experts and their opinions—to see, explore, and understand new technologies and their impact.We do this with beautifully designed platforms and publications online, in print, on mobile, and in person at live events around the world.MITs magazine about innovation, with online articles on specific technologies and a focus on the process by which new technology gets out of the lab and into the marketplace.




信息名称: 美国麻省科技新闻网
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